The tinychallenges podcast is about doing tiny things to get motivated, unstuck and start doing more. The show brings the concept of individual #tinychallenges to a broader group effort. Each challenge takes place in short, two-episode bundles inside a month:
The Challenge and The Check-in. It's fun, it's challenging, and it's worth every tiny step!

Hosted by Daniel Steinberg and Jaimee Newberry
Music for the show by James Dempsey and the Breakpoints

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*Latest episode listed at the top*

Episode 05: The Challenge: DOODLE-a-DAY, w/ AUSTIN KLEON

We had the pleasure of talking with NYT Best Selling author, Austin Kleon to help frame up this month's challenge.

Thanks to our sponsor:
AppCampForGirls: a place where girls can put their creative powers to work, designing and building apps, while learning more about the business of software and being inspired by women mentors in the field.  |  @appcamp4girls

More about this week's guest:
Austin Kleon is the New York Times bestselling author of three illustrated books: Steal Like An ArtistNewspaper Blackout, and Show Your Work! His latest release is The Steal Like An Artist Journal: A Notebook For Creative Kleptomaniacs. His work has been translated into over twenty languages and featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, PBS Newshour, and in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. New York Magazine called his work “brilliant,” The Atlantic called him “positively one of the most interesting people on the Internet,” and The New Yorker said his poems “resurrect the newspaper when everybody else is declaring it dead.” He speaks about creativity in the digital age for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist. He grew up in the cornfields of Ohio, but now he lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and sons. Visit him online


Episode 04: The Check In: MUSIC MEMORIES

Daniel and Jaimee check in with each other, and with members of the tinychallenges community on how the Music Memories challenge is going so far!

Thanks to our sponsor:
Karma...Get Karma Go: pocket-sized WiFi for on the go. |  @yourKarma

Super shout out to our participating community members who shared their music memories:


Episode 03: The Challenge: MUSIC MEMORIES


This week's guest Dean Sabatino, drummer for the Dead Milkmen, shares some of his music memories to help Daniel and Jaimee frame  --> this month's challenge <--
Thanks to our sponsor:
Karma...Get Karma Go: pocket-sized WiFi for on the go. |  @yourKarma

More about this week's guest:
Dean Sabatino has been the drummer for the Dead Milkmen since 1983 and has played with a variety of groups including Narthex, The Big Mess Orchestra, Baby Flamehead, Butterfly Joe, I Think Like Midnight and more. He also plays guitar, bass and keyboards. An all-around awesome fellah!

Dead Milkmen on Club MTV:
For all things Dead Milkmen:
More Dean Sabatino on: and




Checking in on their "Three Words" progress, Daniel and Jaimee share ups, downs and where they're at.
If you'd like to share YOUR #tinychallenges, do it here: TWITTER  -or-  EMAIL  We'd love to hear from you!

Special thanks to Chris Brogan for inspiring this month's challenge, and to our sponsor:
NARWHAL - a super fast app (with adorable marketing) for reddit on iPhone and iPad. <3


EPISODE 01: The Challenge: THREE WORDS


Guest: Chris Brogan, |  @chrisbrogan
Sponsor: Narwhal for Reddit on iOS,  |  @getnarwhal